Sunday, April 1, 2012

Google Is Epic at Making April Fools

The way Google presents their April Fool pranks are extremely Epic yet Professional. This year they made fool of millions by creating Fake Product Pages that promised many Multitasking options for users. LOL
The theory seemed funny yet workable as they showed an Intro video like they do for each new product.
Till now, I have found  pranks from Google Team :D Here they are.
  1. Google Chrome Multitasking.
  2. Gmail Tab
  3. Google Really Advanced Search.
  4. Google China Underwater Search.
  5. 8 Bit Google Maps.
  6. I am Steering Lucky.
  7. Order Complete Youtube at Your Doorstep.

Google Chrome Multitasking.
Here is what they say about the new Prank Product.
Chrome Multitask Mode lets you browse the web with multiple cursors at the same time, so you can get more done, faster. Welcome to the ambinavigation revolution.
LOL! Its impossible to believe that the new product is fake as they have presented it in such a way. Have a look at the video they made for Multitasking Chrome.
LOL! Its impossible to believe that the new product is fake as they have presented it in such a way. Have a look at the video they made for Multitasking Chrome.
Now visit this page [LINK] on your Google Chrome and Press Try Multitasking Mode. 3:)
You will be greeted with a duplicate cursor which moves like a mirror. P.S Don’t connect another Mouse :D
Wait for sometime and see how the cursors duplicate :D

Wait for sometime and see how the cursors duplicate :D
Chrome Multitasking Mode Multiple Cursors
Finally a point will come when you are frustrated enough to click on the Exit Multitasking Mode. That is when you will be greeted with an April Fools Message :P \
Well no need to Open your Chrome if you are on Firefox or other Browsers. Click on the Try Multitasking Mode on any browsers. 3:)

Gmail Tap.
The video they made for this was hilarious. You can see people E-Mailing from pocket with Gmail Tap :P multiple fingers typing multiple messages.
Here is the Video.
Now visit this page [LINK] and Click on Download the app for your phone.

Gmail Tap April Fools
Many people might recognize the prank at this page itself :D Since they say that the app is too popular now and try downloading on 2nd April,
Oops gmail tap overloaded
For a little more ‘Google Trusters’ clicking on the Retry butto spills the beans (well not exactly).
its still 1st april

Google’s Really Advanced Search.
You have used Google Advanced Search before.. isn’t it? Well atleast visited the page right? On the April Fools day Google gets a lot more advanced. Check out the Google Advanced Search options like ‘Search by odor’ or Download Google Source Code (SEOs don’t get too overwhelmed ;) ). Check out the Advanced Search Page here [LINK].
google really advanced search
Underwater Search Page for Google China.
Google’s funny bone didn’t even leave China alone :P Look at the Underwater Search Page built by Google. Visit the page here [LINK].
google underwater china search
8 Bit Google Maps.
Look at the Google Maps in the 1980′s style. Have a look at the 8-Bit Google Maps view. [LINK] Click on the 8 Bit icon on the Top right hand corner of Maps.
8 bit google
I am Steering Lucky.
Google announced self driving Cars at the next NASCAR Season. They say they have made a partnership with NASCAR to bring out their self driving cars on the NASCAR Tracks and have renamed the ‘I am Feeling Lucky’ button on Google homepage to ‘I am Steering Lucky’. :D
google steering lucky
Order Complete Youtube at Your Doorstep.
LOL This is hilarious. Google’s Youtube prank lets you order the whole Youtube collection. Once you order the collection, 175 Trucks will bring the DVDs at your doorstep. :P Would you order that?
There are lots of many more pranks prevailing out there on Google and many other sites like Flickr and Reddit. Go ahead and search your pranks 

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