Friday, April 20, 2012

How To Keep Your Data Safe?

In a study carried out by the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, it was found that there have been more than 360 million personal records lost as a result of data breaches – including everything from Social Security numbers to credit card information. At the same time, organizations, businesses and individuals who are increasingly reliant on digital methods of storing data are finding that the security and integrity of this data can easily be undermined. While backing up data can seem to be a waste of your time and your resources, its value will become apparent if ever you are threatened with data loss. Data can have high personal or commercial value, and it can be devastating to the owner if it is suddenly and irrevocably lost. With a good strategy for backing up data, you need not worry about data loss or corruption.
keep your data safe
How Should I Back Up My Data?

There are many different methods you can use to ensure that your data is safe and secure. One of the most simple yet effective measures you can take is to use the services of a CD replication company to create data back-ups. As a whole, the computer industry itself relies on the practice of back-ups to keep sensitive and important data secure. Backups remain today the most foolproof way of safeguarding data for the future. Data stored on physical disks, removed from your computer, is more secure than the data on your hard-drive: if your hard-drive is damaged or your computer attacked by hackers, the physical disks retain the integrity of the data. A duplication service can back up your data to CDs, DVDs or flash memory drives, for easy retrieval. When choosing a provider, ensure that the service makes use of the most up-to-date duplication equipment, and that the security of your data is of the highest priority.
You should ensure that you use very strong passwords. Against a determined hacker, a highly complex password is not a substantial deterrent, but it will preserve the security of your data against any other attack – and the damage that an easy-to-guess password can do is considerable. When building a password, use a mix of special characters, numbers and letters, and ensure that it is longer than 8 characters. Do not use dictionary words.
Backup software copies your data in an easy and systematic fashion, ensuring that the backup files contain the most recent version of the data. Data is frequently copied to external storage, such as an external hard-drive or flash drive; and it may also save a carbon copy on the same hard-disk. The kind of physical storage you choose will depend on the amount of data that you need to backup – today, external hard-drives of up to 1TB are available for personal data backup, which is a huge capacity for anyone. You should ensure that the software you are using is compatible with the physical storage you have chosen – network drives, USB sticks, CD-R and CD-RW and DVD-R are commonly supported.

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