Friday, March 23, 2012

Facebook Brings Full Screen Photos, 4X Higher Resolution

Facebook has been changing the Facebook photos for past few months. It rolled out new photo viewer and bigger photo. Now it brings 4 times better resolution to photos. Now, Facebook will display photos in high-resolution and allow full-screen viewing of images.

 Now Facebook photo viewer shows photos at the maximum resolution of the photo. Maximum upload size of the photo is 2048 x 2048 pixel. Facebook has also improved the sRGB color profile oh the photos so that colors of photos appear better and load faster.Standard photos can slow down the load time by 30%. To make the website load faster, image scientist Apostolos “Toli” Lerios found and removed the parts of the color profile that aren’t needed to display an image.
Only users with Google Chrome or other latest browsers can use the full screen mode feature. To see the photo in full screen, take the mouse to the top right corner of the photo. Here you will see the arrow with a tip saying “Full Screen Mode.” Click on this to switch to the full screen mode.

Fullscreen mode can also be reached by clicking “Display Fullscreen” in the Options menu beneath photos.
Try this new photo update and tell us your experience. Do you think it is better or loading slowly?

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