Thursday, March 22, 2012

“Mass Hacking of Facebook Accounts May Have Started as Long as 48 Hours Ago..”

Many facebook users are reporting that they have been experiencing extreme spamming on their profiles from the past few days the spamming has increased to such a level that its flooding almost everone’s timelines.
TheNextWeb and AllFacebook reports that this might be the after effect of Mass Hacking of Faceb0ok Accounts (and vice versa). What is more embarrassing is that these all facebook spam posts include much of Pornographic and Violent related images or messages which may seem to others that it was written or posted by you. They say ”Mass Hacking of Facebook Accounts May Have Started as Long as 48 Hours Ago..before the reports of widespread spams came.”

The reasons for these large scale compromise are being directed to many including Anonymous and the 4Chan forums. Anonymous is being blamed because of their ‘Fawkes Virus’ which the Anonymous have claimed was made by their programmers.
How to Find If Your Facebook Account Has Been Hacked (Compromised)
Listed here are tips that will help you identify if your facebook account has been hacked.
  1. Check if you can login with your password – Mostly Hackers would try to change the password of the hacked account in an attempt to take complete control over the account.
  2. Ask your friends – Ask your friends if they have seen anything suspicious on your account like vague status updates or any thing suspicious in their chats.
  3. Check your Facebook login Sessions of the last accessed device- Follow the screenshot and you will find the Location and Device name of the person who accessed your account.

4. Check your Updates yourself – Browse through your Timeline or profile and check if there is any unwanted post or comment on others post.

How to Secure Your Facebook Profile from Hack Attempts
I have already written a well explained Article on the above topic which will help you to Protect your account from unauthorized access. Read the Full Post here [How to Secure Your Facebook Account]
How to Prevent Spams from Spreading
Spams become viral because of the Human nature of curiosity and ignorance mixed together When someone sees a spam post which has some title like ‘OMG! Watch this!!!! You wont Believe it!! :O’ etc, Your tend to click on the link to view the post which makes the post getting autoshared to your friends who do the same.
For the same reason there is so much of Pornographic content spam on the facebook from the past few days.. People click on the images to watch the image which tends to infect them and share the post on others wall.
This reminds me of a status update of one of my friend which describes this attitude perfectly! LOL
lol facebook spam
Also this case of Porno and Violent images spreading so fast shows the incapability of Facebook to distinguish inappropriate content without the help of its users, In a post I have described how you can help the community by doing your part (takes only 5-6 seconds) for a cleaner and safer web and social network. You can (I will say “Must) read this post over here – [How You Can Help To Remove Spams from Social Networks] This small act can prevent much of your friends from watching the spam post and facebook or other social networks will be notified of the spam and they will be removed.
The social network also recommends you to scan your computer for malware from these spams which can further lead to account hacks and spam origins. Remember that the Spams might have generated through Hacked Accounts but the Spams can also Lead to getting accounts hacked.

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